DrivingApp functionalities

Identification of the user's location

DrivingApp identifies the user's location when it is within the area of a delimited area. This zone must be registered by the administrator or security guard of the system, through the ViVA interface. When the user logs into DrivingApp, the application's Home view shows the user's area, name and address. In addition, the zone map view shows the delimitation of the zone, its parking lots and the current location of the device within the zone. The following images show an example of these views.

Ubicacion del Usuario - Vista de Inicio

Manual generation of alerts

DrivingApp allows users to generate manual traffic alerts, security and car accidents. These alerts can be of 3 types: traffic jam, car accident and unknown emergency. Each of these alerts can be sent with a level of severity according to the severity of the event observed by the user. The severity levels of each alert can be: informational, low, medium, high or critical. The alerts of unknown emergency events are always sent with the level of critical severity, because the type of event ocurred is unknown.

To generate a manual traffic alert, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the floating alert button (red color) on the application's Home screen, and select the type of alert to be generated pressing the floating button of traffic jam or car accident.
  2. Select the severity level of the alert pressing the button with the corresponding color icon and write a description that identifies the alert event. Afterwards, click on the Send Alert button.
  3. The application will inform you of the successful sending of the alert through a message.

Crear Alerta de Tráfico

To generate an unknown emergency alert, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the floating alert button (red color) in the application's Start screen and select the option: unknown emergency.
  2. Confirm the sending of the alert by pressing the option YES.
  3. The application will inform you of the successful sending of the alert through a message.

Crear Alerta de Emergencia Desconocida

Notifications of alerts and their visualization on the map

The alerts that users issue through DrivingApp, are replicated in the form of notifications to the mobile devices of other users. These alert notifications show the category and subcategory of the alert event. The user can open the alert notifications to visualize the location of each alert on the map. The following images show an example of the notification of an alert:

  1. An alert notification arrives at the mobile device and is located in the notification bar. This notification shows the category and subcategory of the alert event.
  2. The user presses the notification and the application shows the location of the alert on the map.

Notificación de Alerta

List of alerts and their display on the map

The alerts sent by the users are grouped in the DrivingApp alerts list, each alert in the list shows the subcategory and description of the alert. To view the location of a listing alert, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Press and hold the alert you want to locate on the map.
  2. Press the option see on the map to observe the location of the alert on the map.
  3. The application shows the location of the alert on the map, using a marker that shows the subcategory and description of the event.

Visualización de Alertas

Driving view for vehicle driving.

For driving users, DrivingApp is useful for automatically detecting incorrect driving events within a defined area. The events that DrivingApp can identify are: driving at unauthorized speed, driving in the opposite direction and sudden stops of a vehicle. The user driving a vehicle within a defined area can activate the driving mode in the application. The following image shows the Home view of DrivingApp, pointing to the button to activate the vehicle driving mode.

Botón Vista de Manejo

The driving view shows the speed of the vehicle in km / hr, and the maximum and minimum speed limit allowed on the street. In addition, this view shows messages to the user such as:

  • You're driving well.
  • You're stopping.
  • You're stopped.
  • You are accelerating.

The user driving a car can automatically identify an incorrect driving event through the driving view. The buttons in the driving view light up according to the speed of the vehicle. The following image shows the buttons of each event in the driving view of DrivingApp.

Botones de la Vista de Manejo

Automatic alerts in vehicle driving are represented by the following colors:

1.- Speed event button:

  • Orange color: indicates that the speed of the vehicle is below the minimum limit allowed.
  • Red color: indicates that the vehicle has exceeded the maximum speed limit allowed.
  • Green color: indicates that you are driving within the allowed speed limit range.

2.- Sudden stops event button:

  • Blue color: indicates that the vehicle is accelerating.
  • Orange Color: means that the vehicle slows down.
  • Red color: indicates that the vehicle has stopped.
  • Green color: means you are driving correctly.

3.- Wrong way event button:

  • Green color: indicates that the user is driving the vehicle in the correct direction of the street.
  • Red color: indicates that the user is driving the vehicle in the wrong direction of the street.

The following images show examples of the driving view, where different events are detected by lighting each of the buttons.

Vistas de Manejo

Vistas de Manejo