DrivingApp deployment with Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for creating and running multi-container Docker applications. The DrivingApp system can be deployed through this tool. The following table shows the structure of DrivingApp system using Docker containers.

Imagen Docker VersiĆ³n Nombre del contenedor Puertos Depende de
fiware/orion 1.15.1 orion 1026 mongo
mongo 3.2 mongo 27017
smartsdk/quantumleap latest quantumleap 8668 orion, mongo, crate
crate 3.0.5 crate 4200, 4300
grafana/grafana latest grafana 3000 crate
redis latest redis 6379
mariadb latest mariadb 3306
cenidetiot/drivingapp-service latest drivingappservice 4005 mariadb, crate, orion, idm
cenidetiot/notifications-service latest notifications 3001 smartservice
ging/fiware-idm latest idm 5000


  • Git version control software, you can check the Git documentation on this link.
  • Docker, you can check the installation of Docker in the following link.
  • Docker Compose, you can check the installation of docker-compose in the following link.


1.- Download the files from the official repository of DrivingApp-docker:

$ git clone https://github.com/smartsdkCenidet/DrivingApp-docker.git

2.- Run the file docker-compose.yml using the command:

$ docker-compose up -d

docker-compose automatically downloads and executes docker images and containers for each image, this process may take a few minutes. The following image shows this process in console:

docker-compose up -d

3.- Verify that all containers are running with the command:

$ docker ps

docker ps